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Activate Fitness Covid-19

Frequently asked questions...


Will numbers in the gym be restricted?

Yes, to ensure social distancing can be met for the safety of our members and staff, we will limit the number of members coming into the centre at any given time.  On entering the centre you will notice that we have created additional signage and directional floor markings to create a safe flow and movement around the gym.  Also, where possible, separate entrances and exits have been created so that it’s easier to keep a safe distance from other users. All our centres are different, and we will closely monitor usage at each site. Should any additional measures be required to keep our members safe, we will ensure they are put them in place without delay.


Will I have to book?

From Monday 5th October 2020 there will be slight changes for attending the fitness suites. We will now be offering a mixture of bookable time slots and open times (turn up train / don’t need to book in advance). Open times will still be track and trace compliant. Please click here to check each individual leisure centre timetable.


For bookable timeslots an online/phone booking system will be in operation, which will allow for card/contactless payments only.  We are also allowing the options for members to book on arrival for the gym.  Booking slot restrictions will still apply.


Please note for all bookable and open slots once the gym is at full occupancy for that slot we will not be able to accept any more walks ins.  

For classes please note all classes can be booked up to 7 days either online or over the phone. 

For any leisure centres that operate pay and display, this will remain Free until further notice.  You will need to get a parking pass from reception on arrival for your first session.


What will the opening hours be?

All centres are running normal operating hours please click here for centre opening times.


How long will I be able to stay?


From 28th September 2020 we have extended our booking slots at all sites please click here for your centre’s visiting times.  Visit lengths will continually be monitored for each of our sites. 



Booking slots will be kept to a maximum of 1 hour in order to keep the number of members in the pool at any given time restricted and allow for extra cleaning between slots. Visit lengths will continually be monitored for each of our sites. 



Booking slots will be dependent on the length of the class.  Class timetables will be continually monitored for each of our sites. Click here for class timetables. Please note you can only book 7 days in advanced.


How often can I attend?

From the 1st September 2020 there will no longer be any limits on how many times members can visit the gym, pool or classes.  Booking restrictions will still apply. for more information on how to book please click here.


Will I have to queue?

With social distancing measures in place, members will be required to keep their distance whilst entering and leaving the gym. This may mean it takes a few moments longer to get in the centre, but we don’t anticipate long queues like the supermarkets.


Are the changing facilities and lockers available?

We advise all members to come gym/swim ready wherever possible. All dry side changing rooms will be closed.  Wet side changing facilities will be available but there will be limited or no shower facilities available. We ask to help reduce the time spent in changing areas that you shower at home, pre and post swimming. Hairdryers and hand dryers will also be out of use. We have also taken a number of lockers out of use to allow for safe distancing.  We will operate a regular cleaning schedule to minimise risk.


Are the saunas open?

The saunas are temporarily closed. They will reopen once the Government guidelines permit.


What will happen to my membership payments?


Following confirmation from the national government on the reopening of our leisure centres, further direct debit information will be sent out the week commencing 26th October. 2020.   


Can I join as a new member?

As of the 28th of September we are accepting new members at all our sites (Meadows Leisure Centre, Dunes Splash World, Litherland Sports Park, Netherton Activity Centre, Bootle Leisure Centre, Crosby Lakeside).


If I’m an Active Workforce Member, can I still access all 8 sites?

Active Workforce Members can now access all 8 sites and are eligible for full use of all the sites, including Formby Pool and Crosby Leisure Centre.

If you would like to use Crosby Leisure Centre and haven’t attended there since the reopening in July 2020, please contact their reception to get your membership reinstated with them – 0151 932 9080

If you have any questions about your Active Workforce Membership, please email


Who can go swimming?

Swimming will be lane swimming only. Normal swimming policies will apply, click here for more information. There will be no Spectator Seating area. The learner pool and leisure pools will remain closed until further notice.


Will the Netherton Activity Creche be open?

The creche in Netherton Activity Centre is now open.  Please call to book on, limited spaces available.


Can I still attend classes after the government announcement on 22.09.20?

Following the government announcement, as of Tuesday 22nd September, Sport England has confirmed going to the gym and fitness classes will still be allowed to continue for over 6 people so long as there is no intention or mingling between individual groups of 6.  Outdoor sports and activities played formally and under government approved guidance can carry on. For more information click on the official Sport England link below.

Please note people shouldn’t be socialising in groups more than 6 when attending the centre for any activity.

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